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Populære bøger
Henrik Røde Jensen - Johnny Madsen - Uden Filter
Mere end 36 års venskab, makkerskab og følgeskab er blevet til en bog om et levet liv. Johnny Madsens levede liv. Han ønskede først, at hans livshistorie udkom efter hans død. Gennem mere end 36 år har Henrik Røde Jensen delt livets fester og fiaskoer med sin gode ven Johnny Madsen. Det umage makkerpar mødte hinanden helt tilbage i 1988, og derfra har de fulgt hinanden ud af livets landevej.
- Johnny var en ægte ven. Så...
Søren Huss - Vi Fik Mere, End Vi Kom For 2010-2024
SIGNERET UDGAVE - kun hos iMusic!
"Vi Fik Mere, End Vi Kom For 2010-2024" er en flot, lærredsindbundet bog, der samler alle Søren Huss' danske sangtekster udgivet på tværs af samtlige fem solo-albums udgivet mellem 2010 - 2024, inkl. sangteksterne til det nye album "Vi Fik Mere, End Vi Kom For", der udkommer samme dag.
I alt 49 sangtekster samlet fra en af de mest respekterede danske sangskrivere i dag. Tekster der sagtens kan stå alene, og som ...
Jesper Binzer - Flot kronhjort
Jesper Binzer har gÃ¥et til psykolog og clairvoyant og været i regressionsÂterapi for at lære sig selv bedre at kende og slutte fred med sine Âdæmoner.I sin nye bog fortæller han ogsÃ¥ lidt om sine 40 Ã¥r med D-A-D. Men mest taler han ud om sine 59 Ã¥r med sig selv. Alt, hvad de har indebÃ¥ret af misbrug, ...
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 3
The hundred-year war between the kingdoms of Midland and Tudor nears an end as the legendary Band of the Hawk mercenaries, led by the charismatic Griffith and his fearless berserker champion Guts, turn the tide in Midland s favor. Collects Berserk volumes 7-9.
Jakob Martin Strid - Den fantastiske bus
I barakbyen i Ahnstarr City hersker desperationen. Huse bliver ryddet et for et, og den lille Timo er blevet så syg, at der snart ikke er mere håb.
Men en gammel myte fortæller om landet Balanka, hvor nogle særlige helbredende Safran-liljer vokser. Måske kan de redde Timo.
Anført af katten Spir beslutter dyrene sig for at bygge en kæmpestor bus og drage til Balanka. Det bliver et vildt roadtrip gennem utrolige landskaber, ...
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 2
The reigning king of adult fantasy manga now in deluxe 7x10 hardcover editions! Born in tragedy, raised in abuse and neglect, young Guts is hardened into a warrior of fearsome prowess and fearless will, drawing the attention of the charismatic Griffith, commander of the elite mercenary legion, the Band of the Hawk.
Thomas Dambo, Nina Poulsen - Trash, Trolls and Treasure Hunts
Trash, Trolls, and Treasure Huntsâ is the story of how the Danish recycle art activist Thomas Dambo built the first 100 trolls across the world. Through hundreds of photos, original poems, and fairy tales, as well as behind-the-scenes highlights, the reader can glimpse the challenges of building a troll on a mountain in minus 23-degree weather, hear the story of how a homeless man saved the project by giving Thomas his car, discover how Thomas parents became part of a deal ...
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 5
Kentaro Miura's epic adult fantasy/horror series is an international sensation and is now featured in 7x10 deluxe hardcover editions! Collects Berserk volumes 13-15, and includes Berserk Prototype, the original Berserk submission story.
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 4
Unspeakable horrors dwell within the dank catacombs, where the living may truly envy the dead! Collects Berserk volumes 10-12.
David Kallestrup Pedersen - Pissegodmad
Som titlen paÌ bogen antyder, er omdrejningspunktet pissegod mad.Bogen her skal ses som en samling af de mest populære og lækre retter fra mine platforme. Det er en forlængelse af mit populære univers paÌ de sociale medier ââPissegodmadââ.Bogen indeholder en masse nemme, hurtige og velsmagende maÌltider, som passer perfekt ind i en travl hverdag.Bogen skal bruges som inspiration til aftensmaden, baÌde for dig, som vil have det hurtigt overstaÌet, men ...
Haruki Murakami - Byen og dens usikre mur
Man kan kun komme ind i byen bag muren, hvis man efterlader sin skygge udenfor. Bogens fortæller drages derind, drevet af et besættende savn. Det bliver starten pÃ¥ en drømmeagtig rejse, der vil forandre ham for altid.Haruki Murakamis nye roman, den første i seks Ã¥r, er en post-pandemisk lignelse, en kærlighedshistorie og en ode til bøgerne og de biblioteker, der huser dem.âPÃ¥ det tidspunkt havde hverken du eller jeg noget navn. Vi ...
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 6
An adult fantasy/horror epic of monumental proportions, Kentaro Miura's Berserk is now offered at its original published size in handsome deluxe hardcover editions each collecting three volumes of the acclaimed manga series. Collects Berserk volumes 16-18.
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 1
Now the badass champion of adult fantasy manga is presented in an oversized 7' x 10' deluxe hardcover edition, nearly 700 pages amassing the first three Berserk volumes, with following volumes to come to serve up the entire series in handsome bookshelf collections. No guts, no glory!
Nick DiGiovanni - Knife Drop: Creative Recipes Anyone Can Cook
The New York Times bestseller. Forget the rules. Just cook! Great food doesn't have to be over-the-top, fussy, or time-intensive to be absolutely amazing. In his debut cookbook, Nick DiGiovanni gives you the tools to become fearless in the kitchen - and to create unapologetically delicious meals. Building on a foundation of staple recipes such as basic pasta dough and homemade butter, Nick shares a mouth-watering selection of his favorite recipes including Custard Yogurt Toast, Grilled Peach Burrata Salad, Smoked ...
The EU Songbook Association - The EU Songbook
En original sangbog til alle befolkningerne i hele EU, som kan lære hinanden bedre at kende ved at udveksle â ikke kul, stÃ¥l eller fisk â men sange.The EU Songbook præsenterer et bredt spektrum af genrer og europæisk kulturhistorie fra 1400-tallet til i dag, fra folkemusik til moderne popsange. EUâs motto âforenet i forskellighedâ manifesterer sig dermed pÃ¥ spektakulær vis i denne samling, der omfatter bÃ¥de internationalt elskede klassikere og lokale perler, som ikke ...
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 11
Even Guts' accursed Berserker armour may not be enough to stem the bestial tide especially when faced by the leviathan astral form of the malefic Kushan Emperor! Collects Berserk Vols. 31 33, including three fold-out colour posters.
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 8
The fall of the Tower of Conviction and the Grand Inquisitor, Mozgus, has heralded the unexpected return of Guts' former commander, Griffith, last seen transformed from a mutilated husk into a demon lord of the Godhand.
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 9
The acclaimed adult horror manga is now in presented in deluxe hardcover editions in the original oversized serialisation format. Collects Berserk volumes 25-27, including three fold-out color posters.
Kentaro Miura - Berserk Deluxe Volume 12
The Game of Thrones of adult fantasy/horror manga continues in deluxe oversized hardcover editions, collecting Berserk volumes 34-36 in the original oversized serialization format, including three fold-out posters.
Griffith's new Band of the Hawk assume their unholy forms to battle the monstrous Kushan emperor and his horde of demons, leaving the terrified Midland citizenry to wonder if their rescuers are another horrific curse. Meanwhile, Guts and his companions seek refuge to repair their ship on a small ...
Nye bøger
Gerold W. Neudeck - Fundamentals of Microelectronic Circuit De...
John O'Brien - Review of Contemporary Fiction: XXVIII, #2...
Riedmann, Agnes (California State University, Stanislaus, USA) - Fa...
Riedmann, Agnes (California State University, Stanislaus, USA) - Fa...
Keith Warren Lloyd - Avenging Pearl Harbor: The Saga of America...
Jeff Malpas - The Ethics of Place
Jeff Malpas is one of the world's leading thinkers on the philosophy of space and place. The Ethics of Place is a major examination of the ethical and political dimensions of place, hitherto neglected in much of the literature.
Multiple Authors - Angelaki V 6 Number 3
First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Malik, Adeel (Fellow of St. Peter's College, Oxford) - Islamic Fina...
With a full scope of financial services, ranging from banking and capital markets to insurance and microfinance, Islamic finance has now become the most prominent form of faith-based finance in the world. This book sheds light on its core principles and practices, and considers its performance and potential compared with conventional finance.
Franz Triebel - Generalregister Zum 100-110 Bande
Hans Leisegang - Indices Ad Philonis Alexandria Opera, Pars 1
Natalia Serebriannaia - State Hermitage Museum Catalogue: Fifteent...
Sita Kuratomi Bhaumik - Sita Kuratomi Bhaumik: We Make Constellati...
An experimental memoir from an acclaimed Bay Area social-practice artist and activist
In this innovative rethinking of the artist monograph, Oakland-based artist, educator and activist Sita Kuratomi Bhaumik (born 1981) captures conversations with the people who shaped her creative practices and helped her map the tools that are most important to her: wonder, intuition, criticality and belonging. Bhaumik's work has been celebrated by the San Francisco Chronicle and other media for using art as a strategy to connect memory ...
Ellie O'Neill - Family Matters
Contemporary, warm-hearted, funny, poignant and satisfying - for fans of Monica McInerney, Cecelia Ahern and Josephine Moon
Mooji - Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space
What if all that you believe yourself to be - your body, mind, emotions, and conditioning - is actually what you are not? What if this is merely a self-portrait shaped by false identification, habit, and assumptions
Zhao, Dr Sumin (Sumin Zhao is a Carlsberg Research Fellow at Univer...
Pau Obrador Pons - Tourism Studies: The Basics - The Basics
Fumagalli, Matteo (Central European University, Hungary) - Violence...
This book examines the origins of the current waves of social protest in Uzbekistan. The author analyses how these have changed over the years and provides an outlook into the country's future.